"Thousand Islands Long Term Care Residence" by Erika Bae

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healthcare, long term care facility, biophilia, biomimicry, wayfinding, controlled wandering, universal design


Thousand Islands Residence repurposes urban infrastructure to minimise environmental impact and promote sustainable development, transforming into a community asset that integrates elderly care within the urban fabric. Inspired by pebbles, which symbolise tranquility and stability, the architectural design reflects flowing rivers, with curved pathways with intuitive wayfinding and communal spaces echoing vertically each other that foster connection and accessibility. The facility features private solariums, communal areas, and diverse amenities—including therapy rooms, art studios, and a café—promoting independence, dignified wandering, and community engagement. It is to be a reimagination of long-term care as a supportive, biophilic interior environment, that enriches both residents' lives and the surrounding, setting a precedent for future urban renewal projects.


Fourth-year student Yoojeong (Erika) Bae earned an Award of Excellence for her Thousand Islands Long-term Care Residence design, a project submitted as part of her third-year Health Care Studio project. As part of the course, students are required to design a solution for an acute care unit in a healthcare environment, using evidence-based design and research.


Faculty of Animation, Arts &Design (FAAD)


Honours Bachelor of Interior Design

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Original Publication Citation

Bae, E. (2024). Thousand Islands Long Term Care Residence [Unpublished design proposal]. Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design, Sheridan College.


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